Jug Of News (06.20.12)

Welcome to our humble abode. Pull up a seat and grab a glass for a sip from today’s Jug of News. Hit the jump for more accolades being heaped upon the very deserving Erik Kynard, new NCAA academic standards (and how they effect KSU), K-State researchers doing (as always) good work, and more.

We start off today’s Jug Of News as we have many previous ones: with Erik Kynard. From winning the Big 12 High Jump Championship, to repeating as NCAA champion of the same event, Kynard has seen much acclaim accumulate unto himself. He will be competing this weekend in the United States Olympic Trials, hoping to earn a spot on the U.S. Olympic team, which will be heading to London this summer. Now he has been named a semifinalist for the Bowerman Award, which is the track & field equivalent of the Heisman Trophy.

The NCAA has significantly tightened its Academic Progress Rates (APR) requirements. The governing body has also heightened the penalties for schools failing to meet the 930 APR requirements, including postseason bans. Kansas State, however, has nothing to worry about, even with the stiffer penalties and higher requirements. Every single one of K-State’s sponsored sports easily met the requirements, which is a credit to both the university as a whole, as well as the student-athletes specifically.

Finally, as we do from time to time, JOS would like to acknowledge the fine work being done by the researchers and academics at our institution. In the past, we’ve featured stories about cancer research, as well as autism. Yesterday, we featured a story by Jennifer Tidball on research being done with regards to reducing stress in single mothers. We take justified pride in how our athletic teams fare. Here at JOS we take similar pride in the good work done by our non-athletes as well.

