Fanning the Flames: New Writer On Staff With JOS

Jug Of Snyder is proud to announce the addition of a new writer to our staff. Those who frequent KSU message boards and Twitter know him (and love him) as “fanningksu.” Here at JOS, Heath Fanning will be writing a weekly humor column, as well as other stories as the mood strikes him.

Here at Jug Of Snyder, we try to be more “newsy” than most other KSU websites, while still maintaining entertainment value. Our newest staff member will be “assuming the position” of what we’re calling “Chief Humor Officer.”

As CHO, Fanning will be responsible for making you chuckle, chortle, guffaw, and giggle, in ways that at least tangentially relate to Kansas State University. Given his extensive track record, I think he will be successful in that endeavor. There is a rumor floating about that his first column–due to be published this weekend–will be a compendium of his best advice on dating a K-Stater.

Needless to say, we all wait with “bated” breath.

