Charlie Weis is known for his offensive genius and with the right tools could be a pain o..."/> Charlie Weis is known for his offensive genius and with the right tools could be a pain o..."/>

Kansas Hires Charlie Weis


Charlie Weis is known for his offensive genius and with the right tools could be a pain over the next bunch of years in the conference. No one who follows football would question Weis’ ability to coach, but whether or not KU is going to be able to pull in the type of talent that is takes to be consistent will be interesting to watch. Continue reading to see what else Weis’ hire means for the Jayhawks.

If I’m a recruit deciding which school to head to, I’m worried about a couple big things. First, what is the state of Kansas football in general? During the high school career of any recruit considering KU, they’ve seen the Jayhawks fire a coach who was incapable of controlling himself and demeaned his players but won, hire a coach who was the complete opposite but couldn’t figure a way to get any production from the players, (both of which are still on KU’s payroll) and now go out and hire a name with no real connections to the school. On top of all that, the school is coming off a major scandal that ended up getting the AD and plenty of other people fired. What’s to say the new AD has any clue what he’s doing? Of course, KU was smart enough to hire a Kansas State grad so they have that going for them!

The other concern… how could you have any confidence that Weis is going to be around for any length of time? This guys changed teams left and right over the past few years and at some point the excuses all break down. Obviously with Notre Dame (a school that picks up 5 star recruits with ease) he couldn’t get it done and got canned. I’m sure it’ll be a whole lot easier at Kansas. He then went to the NFL and led the Kansas City Chiefs offense where he actually had some success. The rumor, as most of us are familiar with, is that he couldn’t work with Todd Haley anymore. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt on that one. From KC, he went over to Florida and talked about how excited he was to be with his son and be at a school where he felt he’d be for a long time. A year later he’s moving again and headed to Lawrence. Weis doesn’t seem to be a guy who will be satisfied with a long career at a college playing second fiddle to a bunch of basketball players so at best, this is a stepping stone position. There’s a good chance that if you pick KU as your school of choice, you’ll be playing with a new coach your junior or senior year if there’s any decent success. And if you’re not, its because you’ve endured more of the same horrible football we’ve seen coming from that school up the road for years.