What Now?

Now that we know for sure that Jim Leavitt is not going to be headed to Manhattan for the 2011 season it’s time to try to come to grips with Cosh being around for at least another year. Leavitt heading to the NFL was heart breaking for a few reasons for K-State fans. First, he was a former coach and did well during his time. Second, he was a proven defensive coordinator who knows his stuff and has accomplished great things. Finally, he could have been a good coach in waiting for the Wildcats which would have given some stability. I don’t typically like the whole coach in waiting thing but for a school that has an older coach who most likely isn’t going to coach for another 5 years (KSU), it works fine. And for the situation that Leavitt came from, guilty or not, it would have been an acceptable spot to all of the football world. Instead, Leavitt is gone, it seems too late to find someone else, and Cosh is safe despite having a horrible year. I was afraid that the longer it went before the end of the season and some sort of announcement, the better chance that nothing was going to actually happen and that fear has come true baring some sort of miracle.

I put up a post not too long ago about why this season’s defense may not be entirely the fault of Cosh so feel free to read it. I think the points are pretty valid but it’s mostly a manifestation of the first step of grief: denial. Let’s hope Snyder knows what he’s doing. While all the signs point to another sad defense, I think Snyder just might have a plan in that head.

